I wished to get a good review and I did but less adds please
I wished to get a good review and I did but less adds please
How does this even know our crush if they like us back?
I hate it
This thing is just teasing people and spamming,I typed my name in and put my crushes name in and it says 2%! Then I type it again and it says 17%! And it crashes my iPhone to much plus makes everything very slow,its a waste of a long download
Its not bad. But question is.. Will it work?
Ignore the people who said this doesnt work. It does. Because Im getting married because of it
.....do people actually think this is real
It is a great to laugh when it goes below 10% and test famous people
Its awsom
Well I can tell u that it gave me 52% an other apps gave me 92% thats what 5 other apps gave me but it might be reel
My best friend stole my boyfriend and she doesnt like him and I dont like her cause I got an 56%
Everybody get this love calculator because it is the best I know of!!!!
This doesnt actually calculate your love for someone, but its fun to use with your friends as a joke.
This app is fake
While I knew this was a joke, it was so poorly done that it was far beyond pathetic. Every other time, an add pops up. Sometimes the cursor would reappear, sometimes only the tab would get it to the first text box/first name. After testing for my set of family names, I tried Cleopatra and Mark Anthony. I recall it was quite low (in the "teens" I believe. Advice to creator of app: Make this into something fun and either zany (crazy sayings from wise/humorous/goofy people) or informative (tidbits on what it really takes to make a marriage come alive). Ditch the adds either completely or make them like most, minimal & unobtrusive.
Avry body kowes that this is a lie my friend thinks it is reall but really it just makes it up hate this app and cannot delete it
This is a good app but theres so many adds that pop up and it kind of bugs me so 3 stars!
It is very fun and witty. My friend intruduced me to it and we tease each other a lot. I got 98 percent with my crush!
This app is alright and fun to use to tease your friend and things of that nature .